Editorial 2020
Advent – a season of barrier breaking?
Guest Editorial - Dr. Clare Amos - Advent 2020
One of the consequences of the ongoing global COVID crisis seems to have been that Advent has taken on more significance in our lives …
Could the Church of England change its mind on same-sex marriage?
Editorial - The Rev'd Dr. Nicholas Henderson - November 2020.
“The Church of England could reverse its opposition to same-sex marriage by as early as 2022.” So runs the content of one of a number of reports from different sources ...
The Church of England needs to speak with more than a whisper during this COVID-19 crisis.
Editorial - The Rev'd Dr. Nicholas Henderson - October 2020
In Quires and places where they sing
Guest Editorial - Dr. James Thomson - Feast of St Gregory the Great - 3rd September 2020
Mary Magdalene – exemplar
Guest Editorial - The Rev`d Christina Rees C.B.E. - Feast of St Mary Magdalene 22nd July 2020
At a Crossroads – Race, Africans and the Anglican Communion
Guest Editorial - The Rt Rev'd James Tengatenga - Petertide 2020
Action, inaction and the consequences … COVID-19, the death of George Floyd, the coming economic crisis and the Church
Editorial - The Rev'd Dr. Nicholas Henderson - Trinity Sunday 2020
Pandemics in literature bring consolation
Guest Editorial - The Rev'd Dr. Anthony Swindell D.D. - Ascensiontide 2020
Re-Beating the Bounds Rogationtide 2020
Guest Editorial - The Rev'd Danny Pegg - Rogationtide 2020
Of Cabbages and Kings
Editorial - The Rev'd Dr. Nicholas Henderson - Easter 2020
Church and Constitution
Guest Editorial - Dr. Peter Mills - Lent 2020
The Turning of the Year
Guest Editorial - The Rev'd Georgiana Bell - New Year 2020