Sermons & Reflections
Pondering the essence of worship – a reflection
The Rev'd Mark Rudall reflects on the nature of worship: ... I have a love affair with my local river. The sheer beauty, joy and peace I find on it relaxes and delights me beyond words and is something I like to share at every opportunity. ... CLICK ON PICTURE TO CONTINUE
“From Pakistan to the UK: A Christian Woman’s Journey of Faith, Perseverance, and Renewal”
Sabeeta Mushtaq writes of her faith journey: ... I was born and raised in Pakistan, a Muslim country, into a Catholic Christian family. Growing up as a religious minority in a society where Islam is the dominant faith was a unique experience that came with its own set of challenges and blessings. Despite facing discrimination and social barriers, my faith and upbringing instilled in me a keen sense of purpose and determination that propelled me forward. My early education was in Pakistan, where I worked hard to excel in my studies despite the obstacles. As a Christian in a Muslim-majority country, I encountered moments of marginalization, but I refused to let those experiences define or limit me. Instead, they fuelled my resolve to not only succeed but to advocate for others in similar situations. ... CLICK ON PICTURE TO CONTINUE
Thinking Biblically About Climate Change
The Rev'd Prof David P. Gushee writes: I am a Christian ethicist, and a pastor, and wearing both hats I have been asked to address climate change. I understand that this church, and other churches in the region, have committed to the eco-church movement. A great commitment. Today let us think about how scripture can inform such a commitment in the current moment. ...
Why did I leave the Anglican Church?
Chris Jefferies writes: I was asked this question some time ago. At first I felt that it somehow missed the point because I tend to feel that I never was an Anglican, although it’s true that in my mid to late teens I would have called myself Anglican – perhaps?
Sermon given Sunday 21st November Choral Evensong St Bride’s Church, Fleet Street, London
In a sermon given on Sunday 21st November 2021 in St Bride's Church, Fleet Street, London. The Rev'd Dr. Jeffrey Lake reflects on the recent Cop26 meeting in Glasgow.
The Significance of Letters
The Rev'd Peter Watkins