About Woollard, Anthony

Anthony Woollard

PENTECOST: The encirclement of the Spirit

Anthony Woollard in his Guest Editorial writes: Turning and turning in the widening gyre, The falcon cannot hear the falconer. Things fall apart – the centre cannot hold – Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world…… Thus wrote W B Yeats, in the middle of the First World War and the Irish revolution. And it seems today that the world has circled back to just such a time. No centre – no purpose – “mere anarchy”, from Gaza to Ukraine to other parts of Europe (including the UK) and the US. And if we take the Falconer to be that mystery that we call God, and the Falcon to be the human race, it is all too clear that the latter “cannot hear” the former. ...

2024-05-02T21:39:45+00:00By |Tags: |
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