About Bell, The Rev'd Dr. Charlie

Dr. Charlie Bell

Renewing Communion: A queering of unity and colonialism

The Rev'd Dr. Charlie Bell summarises: The Anglican Communion as a trans-national and interdependent community of Christians is facing potential catastrophe. The Communion remains a creature of colonialism, both in the way it lives out its mission and in its structures. At the heart of the Communion’s breakdown in koinonia has been the ‘possibility’ of same-sex or same-gender love, something made somehow distinct and, as a result, problematised. This article considers the underlying complex dynamics of colonisation and the ongoing refusal of the Anglican Communion to engage in reflexive practice. The opportunity of redemption through queerness is identified, and the barriers to such a journey of hope in the Communion both engaged with and challenged. Similarly, the appeal to ‘unity’ is confronted and itself disrupted. Finally, the intrinsic relationship between decolonisation and queerness is identified and celebrated as a key to a healthy future for what it means to be Anglican. ... CLICK ON PICTURE TO CONTINUE

2025-01-17T20:24:25+00:00By |Tags: |

A response to ‘The Church of England’s Doctrine of Marriage’, +Fulham et al

The Rev'd Dr. Charlie Bell responds to the fourteen bishops who have published a defence of 'traditional' marriage: I thought it might be useful to offer a few thoughts on the most recent paper by a number of bishops, of differing theologies and yet in opposition to same-sex marriage. It’s notable that these bishops come from different theological stables, which probably does give some indication as to why the resulting theology here is so disappointingly light and unconvincing. It appears to lack a coherence theological thread and suffers because of it. Nonetheless, it is good that bishops are finally willing to say what they think – even if we might disagree with it. The risk of saying what you think, of course, is that your arguments are open to challenge. This is my small offering in that regard. ...

2023-02-06T23:32:49+00:00By |
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