About Romain, Rabbi Dr. Jonathan

Rabbi Dr. Jonathan Romain

Open Letter on Assisted Dying 27th September 2023

Rabbi Jonathan Romain (Chair - Dignity in Dying) writes an Open Letter: Dear colleagues, If you have not already come across them, I thought you might like to see two news items: ...

2024-03-08T18:18:25+00:00By |

A Religious View of Assisted Dying

Rabbi Dr. Jonathan Romain - There is a massive change going on in religious attitudes to assisted dying (by which a person is given a prescription for a lethal potion, which they themselves then order and take). However, far from being a modern issue, the problem of having to endure a painful end to one’s life has long been recognised ...

2022-10-21T22:34:37+00:00By |Tags: |
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