Call for the President and Prime Minister to resign

The Bishops of the Church of Ceylon write: We note with deep concern the deterioration of the state of our economy and the sheer sense of apathy with which those in power are approaching the plethora of problems faced by the people of our land.

2022-11-17T23:54:53+00:00By |

Church and State – Church versus State?

Editorial June 2022 - The Editor, The Rev'd Dr. Nicholas Henderson writes: The British Prime Minister, apparently stung by the whole bench of Anglican Bishops in the House of Lords, has denied that it is his wish to expel them from the British second chamber. Rumblings amongst Boris Johnson’s ministers have followed the publication of a letter from 25 Bishops stating that the policy of sending some migrants who arrived from across the English Channel is ‘immoral’.

2022-11-18T21:10:54+00:00By |

Standing together in uncertain times: inter-church relations in Britain and Ireland through the pandemic and beyond.

Dr. Nicola Brady writes: “The impact of COVID–19 has prompted us to ask searching questions about what it means to be a community of Christian believers in today’s society.” Co-Chairs of the Irish Inter-Church Meeting, 27th January 2021

2022-11-17T23:55:29+00:00By |

Statement on recent political developments in Sri Lanka by the Bishops of the Anglican Church of Ceylon

Whilst the rest of the world is understandably engaged with the war in Ukraine, trouble is emerging in Ski Lanka where the Bishops of the Anglican Church of Ceylon express their concerns ...

2022-10-21T22:22:42+00:00By |

Kiev or Kyiv? #KyivNotKiev

Editorial: Kiev or Kyiv? - A difference in spelling the name of the capital city has emerged since the threat of a Russian invasion of Ukraine was first mooted. The shift indicates an almost universal reluctance to use the former Kiev as it is a transliteration from the Russian Cyrillic alphabet. The new (to us in the West) Kyiv is the local Ukrainian usage. Thus, solidarity in a spelling bee can be shown with those of us who are horrified at the increasing terror of Russian imperialism and accompanying military violence towards a near neighbour.

2022-10-21T22:23:57+00:00By |

Is equality of opportunity ever achievable without tighter regulations on targeted marketing? – Is there more we can do to protect the vulnerable?

Nicola Hughes writes: For every student studying business since 1980 Kotler and Armstrong’s Principles of Marketing has been a necessary purchase – Marketing as an industry is constantly changing and in an unsurprisingly business savvy way K&A regularly updated the ‘’Marketing Bible” so students couldn’t borrow outdated copies from the library. I didn’t have the same problem while studying Theology!

2022-11-17T23:59:31+00:00By |

Why did I leave the Anglican Church?

Chris Jefferies writes: I was asked this question some time ago. At first I felt that it somehow missed the point because I tend to feel that I never was an Anglican, although it’s true that in my mid to late teens I would have called myself Anglican – perhaps?

2022-11-18T00:03:18+00:00By |

Egregious omicron?

Christmas Editorial 2021: The Rev'd Dr. Nicholas Henderson - Editor - Until recently, in the lexicon of everyday use, the word ‘egregious’ has been one of the lesser-used adjectival descriptions of conspicuously bad and flagrant behaviour. ...

2024-03-09T15:07:46+00:00By |

Book review. My Journey as a Religious Pluralist: A Christian Theology of Religions Reclaimed – Alan Race

The Rev'd Dr. Peniel Rajkumar writes: Few theologians have approached the many questions and challenges that religious plurality poses for Christian theologies of religions with such honesty and depth as Alan Race. Never the one to dodge difficult questions, Race has both problematised as well as probed, with passion and profundity, a wide-range of themes and questions that are concomitant to Christian understanding and engagement with other religions

Sermon given Sunday 21st November Choral Evensong St Bride’s Church, Fleet Street, London

In a sermon given on Sunday 21st November 2021 in St Bride's Church, Fleet Street, London. The Rev'd Dr. Jeffrey Lake reflects on the recent Cop26 meeting in Glasgow.

2023-02-07T22:39:51+00:00By |
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