Is equality of opportunity ever achievable without tighter regulations on targeted marketing? – Is there more we can do to protect the vulnerable?

Nicola Hughes writes: For every student studying business since 1980 Kotler and Armstrong’s Principles of Marketing has been a necessary purchase – Marketing as an industry is constantly changing and in an unsurprisingly business savvy way K&A regularly updated the ‘’Marketing Bible” so students couldn’t borrow outdated copies from the library. I didn’t have the same problem while studying Theology!

2022-11-17T23:59:31+00:00By |

The Pope’s Pet Subject

Jane Kelly, has serious reservations about the Pope's pronouncement on 'selfish couples' who 'substitute dogs for children' ... The lack of the initial strong maternal bond may be a key to why so many people now grow up unable to form close relations with other humans and lack the emotional resilience the Pope recognises is needed to tackle complex adult relationships such as being parents. We are all sad, lonely children now, needing our teddy bears and our puppy for comfort!

2022-11-18T21:11:46+00:00By |

Truth and Reconciliation for Today

The Rev'd Canon Richard Truss, Guest Editor, writes: Where is the church’s voice in public affairs? We do see occasional episcopal pronouncements, and occasional letters in the press. But most of the attention the past year, when any has surfaced at all, has not been on what the church and theology might have to say to the rest of society, but on what is seen as the dire state of the Church itself - the future of the parish, the financial crisis and even conjectures as to whether it can survive at all?

2022-11-18T00:01:25+00:00By |

Why did I leave the Anglican Church?

Chris Jefferies writes: I was asked this question some time ago. At first I felt that it somehow missed the point because I tend to feel that I never was an Anglican, although it’s true that in my mid to late teens I would have called myself Anglican – perhaps?

2022-11-18T00:03:18+00:00By |

Egregious omicron?

Christmas Editorial 2021: The Rev'd Dr. Nicholas Henderson - Editor - Until recently, in the lexicon of everyday use, the word ‘egregious’ has been one of the lesser-used adjectival descriptions of conspicuously bad and flagrant behaviour. ...

2024-03-09T15:07:46+00:00By |

Book review. My Journey as a Religious Pluralist: A Christian Theology of Religions Reclaimed – Alan Race

The Rev'd Dr. Peniel Rajkumar writes: Few theologians have approached the many questions and challenges that religious plurality poses for Christian theologies of religions with such honesty and depth as Alan Race. Never the one to dodge difficult questions, Race has both problematised as well as probed, with passion and profundity, a wide-range of themes and questions that are concomitant to Christian understanding and engagement with other religions

Sermon given Sunday 21st November Choral Evensong St Bride’s Church, Fleet Street, London

In a sermon given on Sunday 21st November 2021 in St Bride's Church, Fleet Street, London. The Rev'd Dr. Jeffrey Lake reflects on the recent Cop26 meeting in Glasgow.

2023-02-07T22:39:51+00:00By |

COP26 … and beyond

Editorial, Kingdom Season, November 2021 - The Rev'd Dr. Nicholas Henderson. Editor: - In an 'online' world of disinformation what hope is there for COP26?

2022-10-21T22:26:58+00:00By |

The Anglican Church of Ceylon calls for urgent action from UN Human Rights Council

The Rt Rev'd Keerthisiri Fernando, Anglican Bishop for Kurunegala of the Church of Ceylon calls for action from the UN in response to continuing violence following Islamist suicide bombings in 2019.

2022-10-21T22:27:22+00:00By |

Government, faith or anything else by slogan?

Editorial - The Rev'd Dr. Nicholas Henderson - August 2021 ... A slogan is a memorable motto or phrase used in a political, commercial, religious, or other context as a repetitive expression of an idea or purpose, with the goal of persuading members of the public or a more defined target group.

2022-11-18T21:13:32+00:00By |
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